Manago Management, LLC
WindSun Realty
Pacific Group
HomeProperty LISTINGSLicense HangingMember Real Estate Agents
Property ManagementRental Application Tenant RelationsLandlord Log-In
About UsLandlord Discount Maintenance

P.O. Box 94556 
Las Vegas, NV 89193
(702) 283-4858 (Greg's Cell)
Please Click on one of the following links to submit transaction based documents (listing, sale, or referral).  Please submit your required paperwork in accordance with the checklist posted in the link.  Submit your documents when you open a transaction and after the close of escrow.  This will keep you and me (the broker) in compliance with state laws and mitigate liability, thus avoiding getting sued.  

Commission checks will not be disseminated unless a complete file is turned-in, NO Exception, thanks for understanding.  

These links will guide you on how to submit documents to the brokerage so that a "file" can be assembled for your transaction.  It also provides a checklist for you to complete and follow.  

If you are the listing agent of a transaction, click here
"Sales File"
If you are the Selling agent (Buyer's agent) of a transaction, click here
"Other transactions and/or referrals"
If you are submitting a referral transaction, leasing activities or some other real estate transaction, and the broker will be receiving a commission check,   click here. 
Real Estate TRANSACTION submission Page